Sunday, September 2, 2012

Clinton's Parenting Methods & Skills

Describe your methods to teach and discipline children: 
I was the youngest child in my family and never grew up around many children smaller than me. Once my sisters began having children, however, I was often required to help take care of them. In trying to teach children, I usually find that you have to be very flexible and willing to quickly find alternate ways to teach. I especially found this while being a primary teacher at church after my mission, typically the children didn't want to sit there and listen to me as I wrote words up on the board. I found that the best way to learn was to have puppet shows, act out stories from the scriptures, and other such tools. When it came to discipline, I found that the best method was to offer small rewards to the group for good behavior. I started out offering candy to individuals for good behavior, but I soon found that when a child misbehaved, they would end up crying if they were the only one to not get candy at the ends of class. Instead, I would reward the entire class as a whole for good behavior. In doing this, I found that the children would regulate each other rather than being singled out for poor behavior. This usually resulted in a much happier experience for me as a primary teacher!

What is your plan for childcare? 
Before long I will be able to finally begin my career as a physician and to work full-time. This will allow me to bring enough salary home that Danielle will be able to stay at home with the children. This is something that is important to both of us because we were both raised by stay-at-home moms and we both saw the value of being able to have a close family member taking care of you rather than a stranger paid to take care of you.

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