Sunday, September 2, 2012

Danielle's Experiences and Feelings Regarding Adoption

How do you think adopting a child will change your life? 
I think adopting a child will change my life in many ways. One, it will finally provide me the opportunity to welcome our children into our home. This alone will bring so much joy and opportunities for growth. Two, adopting a child will change how much money we have to do extra things each month. I know that raising children costs money and I am fully prepared to sacrifice my "extras" so that we can enjoy the blessings of having children in our home. Three, adopting a child/having a child, in general, will, at times, cause extra stress in my life and in our life as a couple. I will have to sacrifice sleep, free time, personal time and extra spending so that I can best care for our children. Clinton and I will have less alone time and will need to readjust how we spend the time we have together to ensure we are both getting what we need from each other on a daily basis.
Raising a family has been my goal in life since I was very little. Realizing it will not all be a fairytale, I feel, is an advantage that will keep me well-grounded and better prepared for whatever direction each day may lead. Overall though, I feel adopting a child will change my life for the better.

What does your extended family think about your adoption plans? 
My family is very supportive and very excited for us. They know we have been waiting a very long time to begin our family and that we are ready for adoption. They have been praying for us and our efforts in this process. Clinton's family is also very supportive and excited for us to adopt children. We both have family members who've adopted children and the thought of introducing more into the family is more than welcome!

How do you plan to discuss adoption with your children? 
I would actually like for my children to know they have been adopted from the very beginning. I would like them to know who their birth parents are so that they do not feel like they have been lied to or misled. I know there are books out there for adopted children that allow you to record their story and how you and their birth parents came to the decision to adopt. I think these methods are the best and most honest way for us to help our child learn about who they are and where they came from.

How would you feel if your child wanted to meet his or her birth parents? 
I would actually like for my children to meet their birth parents. My brother and his wife actually meet up with their daughter's birth parents' once a year in a neutral location. It shows their daughter, Hannah, who her birth parents are so she never has to wonder where she came from or why she was "given away". These meetings also give her the chance to see that the adoption was healthy and the best decision for her. It provides her birth parents the chance to see their daughter is doing well and that adoption was the best choice for them. And it gives my brother and his wife the opportunity to show the birth parents the love and appreciation they have for Hannah and how much they appreciate the sacrifice her birth parents made in placing her in their arms. This is the kind of relationship I'd like to have with my child and their birth parents, if they are comfortable with it.

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